Joint expropriation |
一般因素 | General factors |
乙種建築用地 | Type B building lands |
人工島嶼 | Artificial islands |
三角測量 | Triangulation |
土地改良物 | Improvement on land |
土地所有權人 | The landowners |
土地所有權狀 | Land ownership certificate |
土地重劃 | Land readjustment |
土地測量 | Land survey |
土地登記 | Land registration |
土地登記簿 | Land register |
土地開發分析法 | Land development analysis approach |
土地債卷 | Land bonds |
土地增值稅 | Land value increment tax |
土地徵收 | Land expropriation |
土地徵收審議委員會 | The Land Expropriation Examination Committee |
土地總登記 | General registration of land |
土地權利信託登記 | Registration of the trust of land rights |
土地權利變更登記 | Registration of changes in land rights |
大陸地區人民 | People of the Mainland Area |
大陸礁層 | Continental shelf |
山坡地保育區 | Hillside conservation zones |
工本費 | Expenses fees |
工業用地 | Industrial land |
不在地主 | Absentee landlord |
不在地主 | Absentee landlords |
不動產 | Real estate |
不動產出租、出售委託契約書 | An entrusted contract of renting, selling real estate |
不動產估價師 | Real estate appraiser |
不動產估價師公會 | Real Estate Appraiser Guild |
不動產估價師懲戒委員會 | A Disciplinary Committee for Real Estate Appraisers |
不動產承租、承購要約書 | An offering document of rental, purchase |
不動產糾紛調處委員會 | The Committee on Real Estate Dispute Conciliation |
不動產租賃、買賣契約書 | A contract of the sale and purchase, the lease of real estate |
不動產經紀人 | Real estate brokers |
不動產經紀人證書 | Certificates of real estate brokers |
不動產經紀業 | Real estate broking |
不動產經紀營業員 | Assistant real estate brokers |
不動產說明書 | An instruction of real estate |
中央地政機關 | The Central Land Administration |
公共設施保留地 | Land reserved for the public infrastructure |
公有土地 | Public land |
公告土地現值 | Current land value |
公開抽籤 | Public ballot |
戶地測量 | Parcel survey |
比較法 | Sales comparison approach |
比較標的 | The comparable property |
水尺 | Tide stave |
主要作物正產品全年收穫總量 | The total annual harvest of the principal product of its main crops |
主登記 | Principal registration |
他項權利登記 | Registration of other rights |
他項權利證明書 | Other rights certificate |
出租人 | Lessor |
外國人取得土地權利 | Foreigners to acquire land rights |
平均地權 | The equalization of land rights |
正常基線 | Normal baseline |
正常價格 | Market value |
永佃權 | Permanent lease |
田賦 | Agricultural land tax |
申報地價 | Declared land value |
交通水利用地 | Land used for communication and water conservancy |
全球定位系統 | Global Positioning System,簡稱 GPS |
同一供需圈 | Primary market area |
地上權 | Superficies |
地役權 | Easement |
地政士 | Land administration agents |
地政士證書 | Certificates of Land Administration Agents |
地政機關 | Land office |
地段圖 | Pracellary plan |
地價稅 | Land value tax |
地價評議委員會 | Land evaluation committee |
地籍 | Cadaster |
地籍測量 | Cadastral survey |
地籍圖 | Cadastral map |
地籍總歸戶冊(卡) | General registers of landowners |
地權 | Land rights |
成本法 | Cost approach |
成屋 | Readily available house |
收件簿 | Records of applications received |
收益法 | Income approach |
收益資本化率 | Capitalization rate |
有效總收入 | Effective gross income |
百分率法 | Percentage method |
自用住宅用地 | Owner-occupied residential land |
自耕 | Owner-cultivation |
住址變更登記 | Registration of change in domicile |
佃農 | Tenants |
更正登記 | Registration of rectification |
更名登記 | Registration of change in name |
系統規範 | The Rules governing the system |
典權 | Dien |
底土 | Subsoil |
所有權 | Ownership |
所有權變更登記 | Registration of change of ownership |
承租人 | Lessee |
承租權 | Leasehold |
抵押權 | Mortgage |
抵價地 | Land for compensation |
拆遷戶安置計畫 | Resettlement of demolished households |
林業用地 | Forestry lands |
法定地上權登記 | Registration of statutory superficies |
法院判決 | Judicial decision |
物理耐用年數 | Physical life |
直接生產用地 | Land used for direct production |
直線基線 | Straight baseline |
空地 | Vacant land |
近鄰地區 | Neighborhood area |
附記登記 | Accessory registration |
非都市土地 | Non-urban land |
非都市土地容許使用 | Non-urban land permitting use |
非都市土地變更編定 | Non-urban land converting classification |
契約書 | Written contracts |
建物所有權第一次登記 | Initial registration of constructional improvements ownership |
建物登記簿 | Constructional improvements register |
建物價格日期當時價值未來每年折舊提存率 | Future recapture rate based upon the value on the date of value opinion |
建築用地 | Land used for construction |
建築改良物 | Constructional improvements |
重力測量 | Gravimetry |
重大建設投資 | Investments in major infrastructure projects |
重大修繕費 | Substantial replacement allowance |
重建成本 | Reconstruction cost |
重新規定地價 | Reassessment of land value |
重置成本 | Replacement cost |
重劃 | Readjustment |
限制登記 | Registration of restriction |
限定價格 | Specific market value |
個別因素 | Individual factors |
個別因素調整 | Individual factor adjustments |
原住民 | The aboriginal people (The indigenous people) |
原住民保留地 | The lands reserved for aboriginal people |
原規定地價或前次移轉現值 | “The value of land originally assessed” or “the value of land at the penultimate transfer” |
差額地價 | The difference of land value |
差額法 | Dollar method |
書狀換給或補給登記 | Registration of the exchange and re-issue of the certificate |
書狀費 | Certificates fees |
消滅登記 | Registration of deletion |
海床 | Seabed |
海底電纜 | Submarine cable |
海圖 | Chart |
浮標 | Float |
特定價格 | Specified-market value |
耕地三七五減租 | The 37.5% arable land rental reduction |
耕作權 | Cultivation |
荒地 | Uncultivated land |
荒地稅 | Uncultivated land tax |
財務計畫 | Financial liquidation |
迴歸分析法 | Regression analysis method |
高程測量 | Leveling |
勘估標的 | The subject property |
勘察日期 | Date of property inspection |
區段徵收 | Zone expropriation |
區段徵收後地價 | Post zone expropriation land value |
區域因素 | Local factors |
區域因素調整 | Local factor adjustments |
基線 | Baseline |
專屬經濟海域 | Economic zone |
情況調整 | Condition adjustments |
探勘 | Exploration |
淨收益 | Net operating income |
累積折舊額 | Accrued depreciation |
規定地價 | Assessment of land value |
逕為登記 | Registration of direct |
都市土地 | Urban land |
都市計畫 | Urban planning |
都市計畫法 | The Urban Planning Act |
最有效使用 | Highest and best use |
殘餘價格率 | Ratio of salvage value |
測量標 | Measuring mark |
無主土地 | Ownerless land |
無害通過 | Innocent passage |
登記申請書 | Application forms |
登記清冊 | Registration lists |
登記規費 | Registration tariffs |
登記費 | Registration fees |
登記儲金 | Registration Fund |
登臨 | Visit |
等距中線 | Equidistant median line |
絕對效力 | Conclusive validity |
鄉村區 | Rural district |
開發 | Exploitation |
覘標 | Slight vane |
塗銷登記 | Registration of cancellation |
損害賠償責任 | The compensation for damage |
經紀人員 | Broking agents |
經紀業倫理規範 | The ethics principle of broking agency |
經濟耐用年數 | Economic life |
義務人 | Obligor |
補正 | Supplement |
農地重劃 | Farmland readjustment |
農作改良物 | Agricultural improvements |
農村社區 | Rural community |
農村社區土地重劃 | Rural community land readjustment |
農牧用地 | Farming and grazing lands |
農牧經營企業 | Agricultural and animal husbandry industries |
農業用地 | Agricultural land |
預告登記 | Registration of caution |
預售屋 | Presale house |
圖根測量 | Supplementary control survey |
撤銷徵收 | Cancellation of expropriation |
管理者變更登記 | Registration of change of administrator |
管道 | Pipeline |
管轄權 | Jurisdiction |
緊追權 | Hot pursuit |
維護 | Maintain |
罰鍰 | Fines |
臺灣地區人民 | People of the Taiwan Area |
需用土地人 | The applicant |
領海 | Territorial sea |
駁回 | Dismiss |
價格日期 | Date of value opinion |
價格日期調整 | Date adjustments |
徵用 | Compulsorily use |
徵收補償 | Compensations for expropriation |
徵收補償 | Expropriation compensation |
徵收補償費 | Compensation for compulsory purchase |
標尺 | Stave |
標石 | Pillar |
標示變更登記 | Registration of change of descriptions |
標柱 | Staff pile |
架 | Staff stand |
標桿 | Pole |
標旗 | Flag |
標樁 | Stake |
衛星定位測量 | GPS measurement |
鄰接區 | Contiguous zone |
閱覽費 | Viewing fees |
養護 | Conservation |
舖設 | Lay |
整體經濟發展 | Overall economic development |
燈標 | Beacon |
衡平原則 | Principle of equality |
優先購買權 | Preferential right |
檢查 | Inspection |
營業保證金 | Guaranty bond |
營業處所 | Business office |
總收入 | Potential gross income |
總費用 | Total expenses |
類似地區 | Similar area |
礦業用地 | Mining lands |
繼承登記 | Registration of inheritance |
權利人 | Obligee |
權利價值 | The value of right of land for compensation |
變更 | Modify |
囑託登記 | Registration of request |